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The benefits of Aging at Home are well proven

Numerous studies have highlighted the benefits of aging at home (or aging ‘in place’)
  • All studies show that older adults overwhelmingly prefer to age at home. In the US, Nearly 90 percent of people over age 65 want to stay in their home for as long as possible, and 80 percent believe their current residence is where they will alway
  • A Norwegian study has established that the perceived quality of immediate environment of an aging person is the strongest predictor of his or her Quality or Life (as defined by the World Health Organisation). Source: Liv Halvorsrud, Journal of Research in Nursing 2012 / 17
  • “The results of the ENABLE-AGE In-depth Study indicated that healthy ageing at home is linked to action, identity, dignity, and survival in very old age” (Research study conducted across Germany, UK, Sweden, Hungary and Latvia in 2007)
The negative effects of displacement of older adults are also well documented
  •  “Often it is assumed that all moves create health risks for older adults. Actually, the only move that is associated with steep declines in health was into nursing homes. Declines in self-rated health among nursing home movers are more than two times steeper than the other reason-for-move groups”. Source: Wilmoth, J. 2010. Health trajectories among older movers. Journal of Aging and Health published online
Maintaining physical and intellectual activities are key drivers of healthy aging

Falls represent the leading cause of accidents among older people

Falls represent the leading cause of accidents among older people. They are the most common cause of hospitalization and admission in nursing homes. 1 in 3 adults aged 65 or older have experienced at least one fall, but only half of them talk to their doctor about it. Prevention of falls consists of exercise, ensuring a safe environment, encouraging the client to check his/her eyes & communicating about medication.

Regular walking can confer short term protection

“The strength, consistency, and specificity of the association between walking behavior and maintenance of mobility provide strong evidence that even a small amount of regular walking can confer short-term protection from further mobility loss in functionally limited women. The observation that most women capable of walking at least eight blocks per week were not doing so indicates the need to get more women “out the door” and to encourage those who walk a little to walk a little more.” Source: Just Get Out the Door! Importance of Walking Outside the Home for Maintaining Mobility: Findings from the Women's Health and Aging Study, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Volume 53, Issue 2, pages 198–203, February 2005

Cognitive vitality is essential to quality of life and survival in old age

“Cognitive vitality is essential to quality of life and survival in old age. With normal aging, cognitive changes such as slowed speed of processing are common, but there is substantial inter-individual variability, and cognitive decline is clearly not inevitable. For example, animal and human studies suggest that lifelong learning, mental and physical exercise, continuing social engagement, stress reduction, and proper nutrition may be important factors in promoting cognitive vitality in aging.” Source: Achieving and Maintaining Cognitive Vitality With Aging, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Volume 77, Issue 7, July 2002


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