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Wound Care

There are many types of wounds including abrasions, lacerations, rupture injuries, punctures, and penetrating wounds, surgical wound and limbs amputation. Many wounds are superficial, requiring simple first aid such as cleansing and dressing. Some wounds are deeper and need professional care to prevent infection and loss of function. Only qualified nurses can properly manage care for such wounds.

Service Recipients

  • Paralyzed / bed-bound patients (e.g. bed sores)
  • Patients with wound infections
  • Patients with significant trauma injury
  • Patients with surgical wounds

Service Scope

  • Provide dressing to the wound
  • Remove stitches / clips to surgical wound
  • Removing dead skin surgically (when necessary)
  • Wound basic caring education to patient and family
  • Medication compliance
  • Assisting with physiotherapy 

Caregiving Solution

Respite Health Workers / Nurses

Active Global offers services of Personal Care Workers, Health Workers, Enrolled Nurses or Registered Nurses. Our services are delivered to the patient’s home and personalized to the medical conditions and the level of care required.


  • Professional private nurse who can provide one-on-one care directly at home
  • Fast deployment (respite staff can be deployed within 1 – 2 working days)
  • Flexible service hours (respite nursing service can be 1 – 12 hours per day)
  • Flexible service period (ideal for short to medium term care)

Overseas Qualified Nurse as Live-in Caregiver

The best long-term solution is to hire an experienced overseas nurse or nursing aide to take care of the patient at home.

Active Global’s Nursing Consultant will first conduct patient assessment and understand the patient's caregiving needs. We will then short-list 4-5 suitable profiles for the patient. 


  • Affordable and sustainable (Minimum of HK$5,000 per month)
  • Professional private nurse / caregiver who can provide one-on-one care directly at home
  • Stable and long-term (ideal for service period lasting for 6 months or longer)
  • Holistic Caregiving Plan specifically designed for the patients’ needs
  • Live-in Caregivers are trained to deal with emergencies
  • Regular follow up by Active Global’s Nursing Consultant


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