When you call us, we schedule an appointment.
Our Case Consultant comes and visits the patient (At his / her home, Nursing home, Hospital etc)
and designs the patient’s specific Active Global Holistic Caregiving Plan™
We identify the Best Specialised Caregiver for your need, Based on the Patient’s specific condition, needs to do the matching. We could schedule a Skype interview/ phone interview with you.
Select a Caregiver with us
You can select a caregiver and sign a standard agreement with us
In House and On Site Training will be provided
Our Hong Kong licensed nurse will provide an "In House Training" to your caregiver. Afterwards our Hong Kong licensed nurse a 3 hours "On Site Training" to make sure that everything is going smoothly, and that there are no communications problem. Any problem is identified and addressed
Our Case Consultant will keep contact you on a regular basis, to make sure that everything is going smoothly
If needed, adjustments to the Caregiving Plan are made
We also provide regular support and training to our Caregivers, to answer any question they might have, and anticipate any problem which might arise